I was recently gifted with a pass to the Sedona Yoga Festival (fantastic!) where I got to meet one of my (s)heroes.

Tao Porchon-Lynch
Her name is Tao Porchon-Lynch and she is a 98 year old yoga teacher! You read that right: she is 98 years old. She is still traveling the world (just returned from Singapore), competing in ballroom dance competitions and teaching yoga. Tao Porchon-Lynch
She is living proof that attitude and state of mind are incredibly important! Tao grew up in India and has had an extraordinary life. She began studying with Indian masters at a young age, so she has had many years of meditating under her belt. She marched with Gandhi and helped people escape the Nazis as a French Resistance fighter during World War II. Her mantra is:

There Is Nothing You Cannot Do.

This woman EXUDES happiness and vitality. Her life force is palpable. Her mind seems to be as sharp as her wit.

Her life is not without it’s challenges, of course. Her husband died in a motorcycle crash and she has had 3 hip replacements, but these doesn’t seem to have slowed her down. She drinks wine, wears high heels and as far as I can tell, always looks cute as a button. One of her mottoes is:

“Nothing is impossible when you are in tune with your breath.”

Have you ever said, “I’m too old for that” or something to that effect? I know I have. But the next time you’re tempted to believe this thought, I hope you will remember Tao; dancing, laughing, storytelling, life-living Tao, and see if maybe you want to choose another thought to believe.

Tao Porchon-Lynch                                                      Photo credit: Robert Sturman

Your breath is everything. Your attention creates your reality. If you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right.

The joy of living is right inside of you. Right now. Believe in it.

If you want to see a video of the amazing Tao in action, you can click here. 

And if you’ve gotten away from your meditation or yoga practice, maybe this will inspire you to reconnect and recommit.

Mindfully yours,


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